Thursday, July 21, 2005

Can You Find Me and My Girl? Posted by Picasa

There We Are! Posted by Picasa

You Might Be A Lesbian if....

Yep, hand over the toaster and my copy of the homosexual agenda, I am spending my weekend at a folk festival featuring Dar Williams and Ani Difranco, among others in upstate New York. I guess I might be a lesbian. I guess thats a good thing, especially for my girlfriend.

Seriously, though, I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend of camping, music and not much else. Hopefully I will come back de-stressed and ready for my big trip for work next week to Kansas City, MO. I can hardly contain my excitement. I'm already dreaming of barbeque sauce. Mmmmm....pork.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

This cake is all MINE! Posted by Picasa

Happy Blogiversarry!

Yes, it was last year, July 19th that whimper and whine was born. Since then 133 posts, not bad, right?
What else has happened on July 19th?
The first women's suffrage convention at Seneca Falls
Lizzie Borden, everyone's favorite psycho girl with a hatchet was born
Tolling ceased on the Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Manhattan and Queensboro bridges
(that one's for you Dad)

I wasn't actually able to find to many historical July 19th events. Anyone else have a a 7/19 event that tops the birth of whimper and whine? Nah, didn't think so.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

late breaking fun

Wait, wait, I do have something fun to post about. Montage-a-google lets you search for images, then automatically creates a fun montage using up to 20 pics. I tried freedom, kaballah, christina aguilera and candy...all producing fun results. Give it a try, won't you?
Ok, I don't have an exciting tid-bit to report today, but I just can't leave that disgusting burger-dog photo on top of my blog any longer. Yuck!

I think I have the summer blues. You know the ones. Its sunny and you want to be outside playing, but instead you are stuck inside working. And then when you leave you have to run around doing a million things. And then when you get home you have to clean your room, do the laundry, and of course sleep. All of this, leaves little time for play.

So yesterday I took an official play-day off from work. I slept late, watched mindless TV including Bridget Jones 2 (which I do not recommend) and the only planned event on my calendar was a picnic and concert in the park with my girlfriend. (hi baby!) I know that taking these days off from working and seeing friends and being responsible give me even more to catch up on in the end, but sometimes they're just worth it.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!1 Posted by Picasa

Eeewwwwww! Burger Dog

I hate to make my first post in a week something so gross, but this is one of those cases where I need others to share in my suffering. Apparentlly 7-11 (and yes there are 7-11's in the city) is serving hot dogs and an array of other hot-dog shaped foods. I don't know why the thought of a burger shaped like a dog grosses me out, but it does. I'll try to get over it, as long as I don't start seeing any foods in new mcnugget form.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Things to do this July 4th Weekend

Watch the hot dog eating contest at Coney Island
Celebrate Canada Day (today!)
Mourn the loss of Sandra Day O'Connor (from the bench, not from the earth)
Revisit Bush Assassination Plan
Check off "get put on FBI watch list for blogging about assassinations" from to do list
Figure out which Greek God/dess you are most like
Check out the city pools (let me know if they are ok, I'm a little scared to try'em myself)
Miss your favorite blogger because she's going down the shore.
Put time into thinking about the origin of the phrase "down the shore" and why NJ folks like me don't just say "the beach."
Rest up so you will have more fun things to post on your blog next week.

I think I'll choose that last one.
Happy 4th.