In the last few months, I have developed a
habit. No, not that kind of habit. I have been buying a banana every morning from a vendor on the corner on the way to work. It costs just 25 cents, and goes very well with my morning cereal at work. Also, if laundry looms on the horizon, I can just pay for the banana with a dollar a few times and get all the quarters I need in just a few days.
Well, I have noticed this week that my morning vendor is gone, replaced with one of those coffee/doughnut guys in a metal box. I thought this might be just one corner, but today I took a different train to work and my secondary banana guy was now replaced with a doughnut box as well. Looks like it is
just too freakin' cold for fresh fruit (or fresh fruit vendors) to stay outside. Nothing in that doughnut box is a quarter. I hope my laundry can wait till spring.