I thought I'd share an interesting/outrageous experience I recently had with my cell phone company. Over the years, I am sure many people have had bad cell phone experiences....bad reception, hidden fees, the scam where they don't tell you that your battery will die if you charge it for more than 2 hours at a time..yeah I've been there.
On Monday I went to the Brooklyn Heights Sprint Store to get an additional charger to leave at my girlfriend's house. I have enough to schlep back and forth without having to worry about my phone dying every 2 days because the charger is at the wrong house. When asked why I needed a charger, I explained the girlfriend/schlepping dilemma. Here is what followed:
Crazy Sprint Lady (CSL): Oh I totally understand about the charger. Can I ask, do you belong to a church?
Me (taken aback): Um, I'm Jewish.
CSL: I would love to invite you to my church sometime; I'm sure we could give you a lot to think about.
Me:No thanks, just the charger please.
CSL: That is so sad. When you change your mind, you can always find me here at the Sprint store.
It's like they are running a front for some born again religion or x-gay church out of the Montague Street cellphone store! In the end, I wrote a letter to the company and they responded by giving me 5% off my bill every month from now on. I would say the response does not quite fit the problem, but you know I like to save money. After all, I already mentioned I'm Jewish.