Monday, July 19, 2004

I temp, therefore I am

It's true.  I'm a temp.  Temping is that unique kind of job which draws you in with promises of reasonable pay, flexibility, and the ability to work 9-5 while still allowing you to look for your "dream job."  But then it hits you with a special mix of job uncertainty, work environments where you are constantly being called "the temp" instead of your name, and the always-fun opportunity to practice your skills in data entry, appointment scheduling and phone call etiquette.  
My favorite part of temping may be creating that special bond with my agent.  When I start with a new agency, I begin a courtship of sorts.  I call my agent every day or few days, make sure s/he knows how special I am, how much I appreciate their help, and of course, how I am chomping at the bit to practice the aforementioned skill set.  I send them cookies, leave sexy voicemails...I wonder if I could create some kind of dirty version of my resume.  But I digress.
Recently, after balancing that fine line between agent courtship and whoring myself out for office work, my agent moved to DC without telling me.   Now I have to begin anew, hoping my relationship with my new agent will be as sweet.   It seems like I'm off to a decent start; tomorrow is an interview for the sought-after Shangri-La they call a long-term placement.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

D said...

Good luck at the temp interview tomorrow anita!