Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Olympic Preview

I love the Olympics. I have never really been able to get into televised sports, probably because I am nearly incapable of in-person sports, but the Olympics are different than your run-of-the-mill ESPN experience. First of all, there are the insane sports that you forget about for four years between Olympics. In winter you have curling (played with a broom), skiing the moguls (the only wintersport outside of ice skating with musical accompaniment), and my favorite Women's Ice Hockey. In Summer there's archery, synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics(just a euphemism as far as I'm concerned).

It provides a little whimsy to go along with all of more typical baseball, basketball, and hockey you could watch any day of the year.

I even like the little montages about the athletes. And the opening ceremonies. Remember the Winter Olympics in 2002 when the announcer during the parade of nations pointed out the athletes representing the Axis of Evil? What will it be this year? "Hey Iraq, got your oil!" We'll have to watch and see. I am even having an opening ceremonies party this year.

And to get in that Athens headspace, I spent the weekend in Astoria. Yes it was at a German Beergarden and Japanese Sculpture Exhibit, but it was a gesture.

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