Friday, May 06, 2005

Overuse May Lead to Unsatisfactory Conditions

What does this picture say to you? Biff's. It seems like a 50's diner or a hardware store, or something wholesome like that. Actually, Biff's website describes the company as a supplier of "a wide variety of portable restrooms designed to meet your needs from construction sites to wedding receptions." First of all, wedding receptions? That is not cool. Note to marriage inclined friends: if you ever make me use a portable toilet in a bridesmaid dress, our friendship is over...way over.

By the way, Biff's slogan is "Dedicated to Protecting Your Health, Welfare and Dignity Since 1986." I think dignity is a reach.

Why the sudden toilet talk? Yesterday, while on a romantic walk through the park, my girlfriend and I stopped at (most romantic of places) a porta-potty. Yuck. Well, I usually avoid toilet humor on my blog, and during any romantic moment, but this seemed funny enough to break the rules.

On the inside of the stall door, a notice was posted:
"This facility is equipped for use by 10 persons per week...Overuse may lead to unsatisfactory conditions." This leaves me to wonder, what are the "satisfactory" conditions of a portable toilet. Have you ever been in one that seems satisfactory? Aside from the usual yuckiness, the worst I have seen was at the Virginia Wine Festival one fall where the added bonus to the portable toilet was a broken glass feature. I have never hovered quite so expertly as I did at this festival.


D said...

i actually went to the very fancy wedding of Exay's bosses where $50,000 was spent on flowers alone and they had some of their favorite new york restaruant cater the event--and they had portapotties. It was at their mansion in conn. and i guess they didn't want everyone using the housebathrooms--but let me tell you--those were some satisfactory portable bathrooms. they were more like big, clean, protable rooms with running water. i'm sure you and erin would have a much easier time making out in that bathroom.

Lesterhead said...

I HATE porta-potties SO much, words cannot describe. A penis would come in really handy when use of one is necessary.

I think unless they're the potties Dan describes, they should NEVER, EVER be used at a wedding.

And speaking of bathrooms, while I was on jury duty, I noticed that the bathrooms in the Jay Street subway station are open. I almost started gagging at the thought of what might actually be inside.