Monday, November 27, 2006

Best Pre-Birthday Present Ever

The pre-birthday festivities have begun. My girlfriend has given me what I think may be the best pre-birthday present ever. This flying Monkey can slingshot across the room and yell on the way. It is a great stress reliever, and I plan to use it soon to fly over the cubicle walls and relieve stess at work.
Yeah for flying monkeys!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Heidi Klum-German/British Double Agent

The following 3 photos are: 1) Santino's german/elk-inspired design for the lingerie challenge in Project Runway's Second Season 2) Somone dressed up for halloween as Santino's design and 3) An actual outfit from Victoria's Secret Lingerie Fashion Show. They are uncomfortable familiar (and ugly!). Heidi Klum is involved in both shows. Also, if they are going to use Project Runway designs, at least choose the winners!
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Friday, November 17, 2006

I always knew AARP was the most powerful lobby

Recenlty, I went to a panel with the folks from BeyondMarriage, a really amzing coaltion talking about the importance of validating all kinds of families, partnerships, and living situations rather than focussing all efforts on marriage. (they also have a lot of other interesting points, so check out their statement). At the panel, it was mentioned that organizers in Arizona were actually using this approach to gather support in fighting an anti-domestic partnership ballot intitiative.

Well, it worked! Arizona was the only state so far to defeat such a ballot measure (out of 28 attempts). And Even this article from Texas discusses the role of unexpected allies-the elderly. Who knew?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Who knew nursery rhymes would get so political?

This article from the UK calls for a new version of a classic nursery rhyme:

Three Blind Mice
Three Blind Mice

See how they run
See how they run

They could not see, and they often fell
The Doctor said they should try to use stem cells
It was controversial, but what the hell?

Three sighted mice.