Monday, February 28, 2005

Thanks Dad

This weekend I took some friends up to my family’s country house in Kingston, NY. It’s nice because it’s outside the city, and there is the quiet and nature to enjoy. We actually spent a lot of time knitting and playing cards, but did make a very successful excursion to the sewing store and to Keegan Ales-a local brewery with a generous tasting room staff.

I also got a very important lesson in “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” when I realized I was overjoyed to see the 2 pages (back AND front) of directions created by my Dad on how to use the gas fireplace. It even had a diagram. While sometimes I criticize myself for being overly detail oriented and “decorating” my desk with a variety of color-coded post-its, it is good to know that this same quality protected me and my friends this weekend from gas leaks and explosions. Thanks OCD, and thanks Dad. I love you both.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Good, The Bad, The Jersey

Last night I had a very heated discussion on the merits of Phillip Freneau, poet of the American Revolution and Matawan, NJ's native son. After many points were made, and Mr. Freneau was googled several times, we finally had agreement that he is a well known American Revolution Age poet and was indeed from the town next door to my own home town. I left feeling vindicated that good, wholesome, and important things come out of New Jersey, even my home county of Monmouth.

This afternoon I read this. Several mayors and city officials in Monmouth county were awoken and put in handcuffs this morning as the FBI arrested and booked them for extortion and taking bribes. Thanks Jersey. And yes, this includes the mayor of my own hometown of Hazlet. Go rockets!

Tooth Update

I know that most of you don’t read this to find out about my dental needs, but after receiving a few phone calls, I felt like I should let everyone know that I worked out my benefits issue with the union on Tuesday morning and have just scheduled my much-anticipated root canal for next Thursday. Also, I’m posting the dental animation link again because of positive feedback. Enjoy! I promise more non-dental postings soon.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Soapbox Moment

While you may think that being on a conference call from 4-5pm on a Friday equals torture, I actaully just learned someting amazing. The NY State comptroller's office did a study in 2003 to see how much money would be saved if access was improved to emergency contraception, or EC (Note: this is the "morning after pill" and not RU-486-if you still are confused read more here).

If access to EC was improved even by half, the state would save....wait for it....

over $400 million annually. Do you know what we could do with that money? Suggestions?

It has been one of my missions of late to make sure all my friends know about EC, know that is it birth control-not an abortion, and know how to get it. Ask you doctor for a prescription to have around 'just in case.' You could save the state, and yourself a lot of money and stress. Alright, I'm stepping down from my soapbox now.

One more semi-related point: Jesus was the result of an unintended pregnancy. Discuss.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

STRIKE!!!!!!! or something like that

So, I'm in a union. Now I know that when my workplace is treating me unfairly, I am supposed to go to the union. But who do you go to when the union mistreats you, the mob maybe?

Situation Toothache began simply enough about a week ago. I have been in my job for over 3 months and was told that means I have benefits. However, upon calling the union (from whom the benefits are derived) I was told that I was not in the system and it would take weeks. They aslo want me to come up to the bronx (about 1 and 1/2 hours from my office) to pick up the book of providers. Havent they heard of the internet? or mail?

Well, eventually I go to the dentist and have no problem being served. They call the union, and say I'm in. Then they tell me I need a root canal. Yuck! (by the way, if you go to the root canal link their are acutally games and animation at the american dental association site. sounds like fun eh?)

Aparently this is something so expensive you need pre-approval from, guess who-that's right, the union. Upon calling they tell me again I'm not in the system and that it would take weeks to work out. After breaking donw into tears, they admit that they do have a fax machine and I can resubmit my form to be processed today. Let's see if that happens.

Meanwhile my tooth hurts! If this continues I'm going down to their offices and standing on their desks like Norma Rae. I swear!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Time for VD

Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate my annual anti-valentines event this weekend. I think the Kill Bill theme worked, and the Blue Ribbon sushi was delicious. Also, who knew that a mase is the perfect accesory for a plaid skirt and blazer?

Since today is actually the big VD, I found some cards that were more suited to my vision of this particular holiday. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Is mayonnaise Conservative?

This month is the annual hot chocolate festival at City Bakery, on 18th St btwn 5th & 6th avenue in Manhattan. My office is located exactly 1/2 block away, so I have been partaking of these yummy festivities, and you should too.

They have a different flavor of hot chocolate every day. Today I went to pick it up, and the calendar said today's flavor was "Red State Hot Chocolate." What does that mean? Apparently, it means that this particular cup of yummy looking chocolate liquid is actually made from-Mayo!

First of all, YUCK. Second, why is mayo a red state thing? I always thought mayo was more of a waspy Connecticut thing-Like a turkey sandwich on wonderfully with mayo. Anyone who lives/have lived in a red state know the mayo connection? Any daring mayo combinations I should try? And what do you think should go in Blue State Hot Chocolate?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Plans for the Day: Stalk Mariska Hargitay

They are filming Law & Order right outside my office! Now, I guess this could mean one of 3-4 shows with probably almost 50 actors, but I'm hoping to find Special Agent Olivia Benson. Wish me luck?

Of course, I already know the ending of this episode-the woman did it.

Friday, February 04, 2005

New York State Finally Acts Blue

Democrats all over may be pandering to conservatives with their red state stances on abortion, gay marriage and the like, but today NY State Supreme Court ruled that gays have the right to marry.

Now, gay marriage is really not my number one political agenda item. Partly, this is because I find it hard to advocate for civil recognition when queer kids in small towns are still getting beat up, couples still get denied for housing, and well, there are lots of other issues. I think marriage has become the centepiece because it appeals to that privileged part of the queer community that is often not affected by other forms of discrimination. Plus, I always thought that marriage being the "ideal" for straights was pretty oppressive as well.

That said, if you want to marry, you should be able to, and who knows maybe I'll even bat around the idea one day.

In the mean time, New Yorkers should be proud.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Sunlight Returns!

Yesterday at around 5pm, I was in my office and the best thing happened. I looked out the window, and what did I see? It was still light out! Yes, the sun is returning. Now that we are enjoying balmin 30-35 degree weather, I guess we all know that spring is just a few steps away. Lets just hope spring isn't stuck on a C-Train, trying to get here. In the meantime, try this little game that reminds us of the spring flowers.