Friday, February 04, 2005

New York State Finally Acts Blue

Democrats all over may be pandering to conservatives with their red state stances on abortion, gay marriage and the like, but today NY State Supreme Court ruled that gays have the right to marry.

Now, gay marriage is really not my number one political agenda item. Partly, this is because I find it hard to advocate for civil recognition when queer kids in small towns are still getting beat up, couples still get denied for housing, and well, there are lots of other issues. I think marriage has become the centepiece because it appeals to that privileged part of the queer community that is often not affected by other forms of discrimination. Plus, I always thought that marriage being the "ideal" for straights was pretty oppressive as well.

That said, if you want to marry, you should be able to, and who knows maybe I'll even bat around the idea one day.

In the mean time, New Yorkers should be proud.

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