Thursday, September 16, 2004

Where oh where?

Where oh where have I been? Well, not blogging as you can see. Sorry:(

I' ve been to so many places over the past few weeks.
Kingston, NY
The Jersey Shore
The Beer Garden (yes, again!)

And of course, temping. Temping is always such an adventure. This month I am somewhere where instead of the no-one-knows-or-cares-who-I-am usual fare, I get have found an organization full of overexcited-pleased-to-meet-you types who seemed refreshing at first. Now I realize it's really an office of those school-spirit types I wouldn't have spoken to in high school (despite my own high level dork stigma), and I don't really want to speak to them now. But, they pay me to, so I'm there. And since they have serious websurfing preventions software, I have been ignoring my blog. I can't even view it, nevermind post on it while I'm at work. I'll work on being more responsible to my readers, promise.

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