Friday, June 30, 2006

Sushi Adventure

Last night, two pals (hi chris & fred) came over to make sushi. I have to admit, I was somewhat skeptical. I figured it would probably look terrible, but how bad could it taste? Well I was wrong-but in a good way. It looked awesome and tasted even better. Plus, what a fun evening to get to gether with a project you can eat! I promise to post pictures when I get them developed (yes I am still in the non-digital camera age). I highly reccommend this to do with friends. We all felt so accomplished, and full. We bought yellowtail, tuna and salmon from Sun Grocery in Soho, and some veggies. You have to make the rice in advance so it gets sticky, but it is yummy and much cheaper than going out to a nice sushi dinner. Also, we discovered Mochi ice cream. Its like a tiny read bean cake (those yummy doughy Japanese snacks), but instead of beans, they are filled with ice cream-awesome.

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