Monday, April 11, 2005

The Man Date

Did you read the Sunday Styles section this weekend? I did. The main story was about the Man Date (no-not mandate-two words). The whole article was a tongue-in-cheek story about how awkward it is for two straight men to get together. Who knew there were all these rules? Going out to share some beers-ok. Going out to share a bottle of wine-not ok. Going for a walk-ok as long as one of you has a ball or some sports equipment. Walking thought the museum-a bit awkward.

At first I was feeling sorry for all you straight guys that just going out with a friend causes such social confusion. Then the article pointed out that men use to have close friendships all the time before women became seen as equals. Sorry guys, didn't mean to ruin your ability to communicate with each other just by asking for equal pay.

Also I remembered that men rule the world, so maybe it's not such a big sacrifice that they can't spend go to dinner at fancy quiet restaurants without us to set them at ease.

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