Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Remember Friendster?

Remember 2 summers ago, when you couldn't stop inviting people to officially be your friend? Well, friendster has been hard at work recently trying to put more fun features on their site to keep you coming back for more. You can make your profile in color, add lots of pictures, get notified when your friends' blogs are updated (wouldn't that be great for whimperandwhine?) and such.

I noticed today a feature that lists the 10 most common searches in your friendster network. Mine, for today are:

what muppet are you quiz
ring tones
height and weight calculator
body language flirting
Caroline Kim
how to get over a breakup
seduced straight guys
indie short hair cuts
dating a Jew

I guess my friends need new haircuts, like dating jews (like me) , are possibly interested in getting hetero males to convert one way or the other using body language and just the right height/weight proportions. They are playful like the muppets and sometimes use those annoying ringtones you hear people testing out on the subway. What do your network's recent searches say about you? And should I know Caroline Kim?


whimperandwhine said...

PS-I'm borderline Elmo/Kermit.

bit said...

i am animal. that was fun!